Hey everyone, Pixie McQueen here, the boldest fairy of the Internet ! 🙂

So, first, happy nex year and I wish you the best ! Apparently you can wish people a happy new year until mid february, so whatever ! haha

Today I wanted to talk about one of my favorite fashion designers ever: the one and only Alexander McQueen !He was a provocative, in-your-face genius that dressed the biggest stars such as Lady Gaga, Céline Dion, Bjork, Nicki Minaj or Beyoncé ! Plus, his brand is well-known as a couture reference worldwide.


Lady Gaga dressed in McQueen at the 2010’s VMA. She wears the armadillo shoes, that are pretty, but also extremely incomfortable due to its shape but also those 9 inches heels !

His death anniversary is in less than a month, February the 11th and I would like to pay a tribute to this talented designer that inspired my name. 🙂

1/ A young man that went from rags to riches


Young Lee Alexander McQueen 🙂

Lee Alexander McQueen, before his became one of the best designers of his generation, was a young man that dropped out of school when he was 16. We could think that he was a failure, but not at all ! He left school to go where he was the best: fashion. So, he became an apprentice at Anderson & Shepard, Prince Charles’ tailor, then at Gieves & Hawkes who are masters of tailoring. All of that allowed him to work for very well-known brands such as Givenchy. That goes to show that despite his humble beginings, I went wher he was supposed to be.

We can learn 2 things from that:

  • It’s not always a bad thing to drop out of school/quit your job if it doesn’t match what you like, success may be somewhere else ! 😉 Follow your dreams !
  • It’s important to learn your job. Being a fashion designer isn’t all about glitz and glam ! McQueen was specialized in fashion and was taught by the best to become extremely competent, particularly chen it comes the technical aspect of tailoring.

2/ He was not afraid of being authentic and to say it like he meant it


Exactly !

If we know Alexander McQueen very well it’s also because of his big mouth haha ! Indeed he was not afraid to say what he had to say even about the most respected designers. When he worked for Prince Charles’ tailor, he was said to have embroided “I’m a cunt” on Prince Charles’ suit. Also, he became very contreversial when he said that Hubert de Givenchy was “irrelevant”. I disagree with that but I love this boldness because no one can make him shut up.

However, he avoided journalists all the time, because he didn’t like to talk to them. He couldn’t be forced to talk neither. In a nutshell, he was a very strong man that could not be tamed.

3/ A very talented designer

Of course, his talent is what made him famous, because no one could compete with him. His provocative and dramatic creations won’t be forgotten ! “The hooligan of English fashion” knew how to push boundaries very creatively, making what we call ‘the plumber’s smile’ in French (when your pants are to low and we can see your butt crack :D) glamourous.


McQueen’s bumster

My favorite McQueen fashion show is the Spring 2005 one, presented as giant chess game. My favorite outfit is the knight one worn by Erin Wasson.


I really love the ponytail (no pun intended) associated with the ‘riding cap’, as well as how the best is done.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I think that’s a wrap for today !

Check (that) mate !

Pixie McQueen 🙂


Youtube, a lot of people talk about it, even those that know nothing about (hi news channels trying to stay relevant !). As far as I’m concerned, I’ve been watching videos on Youtube for at least ten years (already ?!) Yeah, it was the good old times when I would watch crazy Snow White or Dora the Explorer parodies (my mind was already corrupted by the Internet haha).


Snow White looks kinda sick, here !

Anyway, what I like the most about Youtube is the no-limit mentality: raunchy humor is acceptable but not only ! We can just express ourselves freely on this platform, in general ! Or, at least, we could… I thought about this when I saw this new video from Le Rire Jaune, a very popular French youtuber. His video is called ‘If I were a dad’ where he talks about how he would raise his kids,etc… as a dad. What makes this video interesting is that it’s second version of this video, since the first one was considered as too dirty by Youtube, so they put an age restriction on it. All that jazz because we could see a dild…duster in it !


DAT swaaagg !

I can undesrtand that, in a way because Youtube wants to appeal to the most people possible (even very young people) in order to satisfy advertizers so they can reach larger demographics and get all that ching ching, if you know what I mean. Consequently, according to Youtube, all the videos that contain “Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humor” and “Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown“.


The thing is we’re not watching a kid’s website ! All of those things I’ve just quoted are the core of what I like to call the ‘Youtube humor’. When I talk about ‘Youtube humor’, I mean the recurring kind of humor taht we find in viral videos, that’s accepted and understood by the majority of the Youtube community. Do you think that Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson, Tana Mongeau, Onision became popular because nice little jokes about the last Care Bears  episode? I don’t think so. Youtube may lose it’s soul, its authenticity and brutal honesty that made it so relatable. That was were we could really express our opinions, but also our talents. We could have a plateform where we could showcase our skills no matter what they are (music, directing, acting, etc…)


The perfect example of a talented Youtuber that could be credited for what she did best thanks to her videos. Rest in peace Christina </3

So, in addition to lose its soul, Youtube is selling its freedom. Yet, there would be ways to reconcile financial matters with creative freedom, like having a warning before a video that doesn’t match the criteria instead of censoring it. Of course you can make a living but do you have to sell your soul ? If we go this way, only identical, politically correct beauty gurus and boring unoriginal podcasts will remain and that’s not a good idea !

In the end I would say that it challenges freedom on the Internet, in general. Youtube is so influencial, if it gets to controlled, that could influence other websites to do the same and the Internet would be completely corporate. That would mean that we, Internet children, would become some kind of orphans in a way, sniff…

Anyway there’s so much left to say, but I’ll stop there for today !

Nyan Cats & Annoying Oranges

Pixie McQueen 😉


Hey everyone ! I’m back with an unplanned article (so it’s gonna be a little messy ^^) that I decided to write even if there already are a crapload of articles on this video/subject, I wanted to talk about it too because it’s been eye-opening for me concerning a problem I’ve dealt with for a long time (and maybe you too): way too high expectations.

Yesterday I stumbled upon an old Jenna Marbles video about the importance of having low to no expectations in your life. This video reminded me why I love Jenna : she super funny, of course, but she also has amazing ideas when it comes to more serious subjects !

Basically, she says that the secret to be happier is not to have any expectations about the consequences of our actions. And I thank it’s so damn true ! We all at some point have this problem: we want to succeed absolutely and never fail AKA perfectionnism ! But we all know that it’s as realistic as travelling the world riding a flying llama ! Despite this fact, we keep clinging onto this illusion as if we could not survive without it…

Jenna Gif

What she said was like an electric shock for me. No need to be stressed anymore, we have to go with the flow of life and keep appreciating the learning process by working passionately. In a nutshell, live in the present moment et give the best of you AKA Hakuna Matata, but in a more realistic way ! Yeah, I mean, you cannot spend your life tanning your butt and eating worms haha !


She also explains that you can also have high standards, as much goals as you want and that you should work the best possible towards your goals… without expecting anything! Like sending your intentions somewhere in the Universe without really knowing where it’s gonna lead et accepting the fact that you only have control on your own actions but not on what they’ll make happen.

I have to admit that it seemed pretty difficult and idealistic for me at the beginning, but when you start by little things it’s completely possible and that allowed me to avoid so much disappointement and negative feelings !

That’s also exactly what Bruno Lallement, a French best-seller author and motivational speeker said during one of his speeches “the art of using your thoughts” .Sorry it only exists in French and there are no English subtitles but basically, he quotes Benjamin Franklin “I always prepare myself for the worst, so I’ll never be decieved.” His explanation completes what Jenna says since he affirms that when you’re too scared of failure, you put all of your energy in fighting against this fear instead of your own working process. The idea is to get prepared to fail. He even says that you have to get familiar with bad things that could happen (even death) so you’re not paralyzed anymore about what may/may not happen !

To go through this process, you need a lot a bravery but in my opinion it’s the best thing to do since you cannot control those things. It allowed me to understand that we’re all equal when it comes to life’s ups and downs because everybody go though them, but the ones that can surf on these crazy waves in this ocean of possibilities do better in life (and they probably have a similar mindset to Jenna’s ;))

Even if we can’t control the world around us, we can control ourserlves, always progress and live our lives the way we want if we allow ourselves to do it (this was probably the cheesiest conclusion I have ever written haha !)

Skittles & M&M’s  !

Pixie McQueen


Today my blog has been out there  for a year : I didn’t even see it coming ! *sniff, who cut onions in here ?!*

I never thought I could take this step, start my own blog ! I may seem like it’s nothing but just the idea of doing something we wanted to do for a while for real is so great !


So, for this anniversary I wanted to go for a top 5 of the reasons why having a blog is amazeballs !

1/ Writing about whatever you want

Nothing feels as good as freedom ! I could write about cutting bangs to your hamster to make it look like Kate Moss and nobody could say anything ! You can develop your creativity with no limits and create your own world you’ve been dreaming of !

2/Getting used to write

No, you can’t be a man/woman of letter like Shakespeare overnight ! But having a blog and writing it regularly (not like me these days) can help you find your own way to use your words, what you like to write about, managing the lengh of your articles,etc… Thanks to this blog, I start to realize that I tend to write a lot to say not that much, so I try to be briefer in my articles.

3/ Investing your time in doing something fun

Having a blog can teach you how to be rigourous if you want to write regularly. It’s an amazing investment that also shows you how to be your own manager doing what you like… And I kinda struggle with that xD

4/ Sharing your passions with the world just with a few clicks

That’s the reason why I prefer to write online and not on a sheet of paper. With the Internet you can share your content on social media and b eing able to talk with other bloggers, read their articles, being more open to others and the world. I mean, what’s the use of being connected together if we can’t get to know/understand each other ?

5/Getting to know yourself better

This my last but not least reason of having a blog ! I’ve noticed that writing this blog, is that when you create content, think about how you will express your ideas, get everything together, etc, you learn a lot about yourself, about your vision of things but also what it becomes once confronted to the world…

Raspberry gloss & salted butter caramels !

Pixie McQueen ^^


Hey everyone ! Pixie McQueen, here, the boldest fairy of the Internet !

This week at least half of the people on the Internet couldn’t stop talking about the video ‘Dear Fat people’ and I think I also have things to say about this. However, I don’t want to bash the author of the video because I don’t know her personal and I think it’s unnecessary but I’ll go back to that later.


First, the context: Last Friday, canadian comedian Nicole Arbour (that I didn’t know untill now) uploaded a video, well, not very  smart, about overweight people that definitly buzzed. According to her, it’s supposed to be satirical and a “bomb of truth” so obese people can realize that their health is endangered by their excess of body fat.

What’s wrong with this video : Well, let’s make a list  because there are several issues regarding the statements of this *SMARTY PANTS* (can you feel this strong smell of sarcasm ? =P) when it comes to obesity.

1/ A lot of simply mean criticism towards overweight people : In this video, don’t expect good taste. Well, mocking people saying “Whatcha gon’ do ?” and say you can escape them by “walking at a reasonable pace” or comparing them to a zombie/Frankenstein is not the most clever thing to do. Why ? Let’s imagine the person is actually obese enough to not be able to walk at a reasonable pace, it kinda seems like it’s a disability. Yet is mocking  a disabled person, for example if he/she’s in a wheelchair because he/she cannot walk at a normal pace funny ? I don’t think so. What she said about the “fat family” she bumped into that walked past her because of their leg problems that would be related to their extra weight is at the same level: mean and not funny. Oh yeah, and the joke about how fat people should have to park their car the farthest to walk more and burn more calories ? Same level too. =S


I don’t think it’s the most flattering comparison…

2/ According to her, overweight people try to make fatshaming happen but it doesn’t really exist: Actually fatshaming is pretty complicated to define because it’s true that overweight people get judged a lot, some people tend to think those people don’t want to take the responsibility of their body nor take care of it it. That’s what Nicole thinks which leads me to the next point.


3/ She has not-so-convincing arguments: The biggest issue with this video is that Miss Arbours seems to think there’s only one category of “fat people”: the lazy ones that can’t get their asses out of the couch and spend their days eating junk food. It can be true but also, there are as many reasons to be ‘fat’ as overweight people.  Indeed, illnesses can make you gain weight without eating more or exercising less like thyroid or hormonal problems, for example. Being overweight IS unhealthy,(cardiovascular issues, bad blood circulation-and not the Taylor Swift kind-, early deaths, etc…) But, come on, do we need to crack offensive jokes to laugh at those people so they can realize it ? In my opinion, it’s a very bad idea first because, most of the time, they know it (because they’re conscious of their bodies or because of mean jokes or twisted means like ads filled with people with ‘beach bodies’ that make them understand they’re different) and that’ll make them feel like crap. What if this weight has to do with emotional issues ? That can worsen the situation !

Nevertheless, even if she’s wrong, there’s no need to bully her. It’s a thing to say she’s wrong, but insulting her is the next level. I mean, most of us didn’t even know her before this video, so we probably don’t know her personally. If what she says bother you than should explain why she’s wrong instead of calling her names in a hateful way when you don’t have a clue about who she is. I don’t mean to defend her but you can’t tell her she’s mean, negative and ignorant when you’re acting in a mean, negative, and ignorant way yourself, it doesn’t make sense ! Plus, it gives her excuses to victimize herself and believe she’s a barrier against censorship and the system, like an alternative to popular Youtubers. 

In the end, this video represents all of the clichés and hatred that can be directed towards people for bad reasons. It represents judgement we can have about a person’s health by how much he/she weighs. And it’s a good thing ! At least we’ll know what kind of behaviours we can avoid to become more tolerant towards each other and more respectful towards our bodies because it’s so important !

Crabapples (like Lil’ Wayne =P) and baby seals !

Pixie McQueen xx

Fictional characters I become in daily situations !

Hey Internet, it’s Pixie Stardust McQueen, the boldest fairy of the web !

I have a lot of magical powers and among those I have one that I use very often: morphing. Thanks to this ability, I can turn into anybody at any time ! And as I am pretty practical, I use it to turn into a series/movie/book character to use his capacities and  handle any situation ! So here are my 9 favourite transformations and the situations they’re so useful for me :

1/ When I have an oral exam or any onstage performance : Rachel Berry (Glee)


Rachel Berry is  determination, fighting spirit and the will to believe in your dream, whatever happens embodied in a cutie yet overachieving young lady. What I take her for an oral exam or a singing contest (fairies like me love to sing!) is this presence, this charisma and this amazing voice that make her a star at the very time when she’s on stage. I love when puts aside her prude-daddy’s-little-girl and that she becomes sassy right away. With her Oops, I did It Again performance (originally sung by Britney Spears), she became a really sexy and confident performer when she only was a simple nice student a few episodes ago. And that’s what makes her character so interesting, that dedication she has to always push her limits further and come closer and closer to her dream no matter what it takes. That’s exactly what I need in a stressful moment like an exam or a performance when you’re in front of an audience ready to judge you on everything : a total dedication and a lot of focus to give everything during my performance!

2/ When I fight with somebody : Hit Girl/Mindy Macready (Kick-Ass)

Vous avez dit badass ?

Did you say badass ?

Without exagerating, I think Chloë Grace Moretz is just one of my biggest lesbian crushes besides being an amazing actress, she has a good presence and is so beautiful ! Anyways, I would be (one of ?) her character(s) because if we had Sassiness Oscars, she would win so easily! And when you fight with Mindy Macready/Hit Girl, it’s serious! Actually, depending on the intensity of the conflict I would choose between those two. For a ‘soft’ fight, Mindy’s sarcasm and biting wit would be enough. Imagine yourself fighting with your brother:

BROTHER: “Have you lost your mind ?”

YOU ( being Mindy Macready) : “Nah Mom and Dad already gave ya all the flaws they had !”

BROTHER : “No matter what, you’re unimportant!!”

YOU (being Mindy Macready) : “Dude, the day I will be less important than an idiot sat all the day long drinking and watching nude girls, I will go to ‘Farmer wants a wife’ to meet a rich old farmer so I’ll live with cows that will look like your girlfriend and I’ll feel less alone ! And even that way, I’ll be more useful than you!”

BROTHER : “Pfff… I’m out !”

(No, just kidding, don’t be that harsh with your brothers and sisters, they can be cool sometimes ! ^^)

But if I find myself in a fight with fists or if I get assaulted, I’d rather be Hit Girl: no mercy !

3/ When I’m ill: Gregory House (Dr House)

House meme

House is possibly one of the best doctors that have ever existed… Probably because he has never ever existed! Anyway, when I’m ill, a part of me wants to heal as quickly as possible and another wants to stay in her bed and being taken care of as well as attract compassion of people around her forever. As a result, turning myself into Gregory House is perfect: I heal myself in a completly anarchic way (he tests an enormous amount of products with unpronoceable names in every episode) to chill at home for a quite long time, I don’t worry about my illness because I’m so cynical that I couldn’t care less (or, at least, I pretend) andI finally find a remedy when I’m sick of being stuck at home !

4/ When I want to be the hottest girl at a party: Serena Van Der Woodsen (Gossip Girl)


Who wouldn’t dream of being beautiful, charming and charismatic effortelessly, just for a night ?

Well, I would! Even if I truly believe in the wole ‘be yourself blah blah blah thing’, it would be so cool to have her shine and do whatever the hell I want without caring or being fearful ! But the problem with Serena is that everything gets out of hand with her : drama in front of everybody with Blair, drugs, alcohol, sex-tapes, guys she spent the night with that she forgets next morning, other girl’s jealousy, stupids that never leave you alone… Actually Serena is nice for the beginning of the party to have fun but I prefer to be myself later in the night.

5/ When I absolutely want to be right: Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)

Il y a de l'amour dans l'air? Faux. Il y a de l'azote, de l'oxygène et du dioxyde de carbone dans l'air.

He is ALWAYS right.

Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon Lee Cooper. Nobody can contradict me when I become Sheldon Cooper because I always have a scientific argument to prove my point. I just have to avoid trips to Texas at his mother’s or we’ll argue about theory of evolution !Plus, with Sheldon everything is always nice and neat, my house will never look like a moroccan suq after a week of sales. Being Dr Cooper, I’m sure I will get along with very well with Adrian Monk…

Il y a des traces de doigts sur ton écran! t'as encore mangé des chips goût barbecue devant ton ordi, c'est ça?

There are finger marks on your screen! Did you eat BBQ crisps in front of your computer again ?

6/ When I want to be comfortable in an awkward situation: Chandler Bing (Friends)

Je vais être gêné et probablement sortir une blague stupide.

Yep. That’s right.

We all live awkward situations everyday, except me because I’m perfect (no, not at all)! When you say hello to wrong person, when drop sauce on your clothes at the restaurant, when you stumble and fall in public an so on… The best you can do in these regualar situations is to be funny to stay in control even in an embarrassing situation. And Chandler Bing (from Friends) mastered in I-make-jokes-no-to-be-too-awkward-even-if-I-actually-am (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious cannot handle the length of this expression I’ve just invented ^^)! I don’t know why but most of people I know aren’t really keen on his humour but I am, and he’s my favourite character of the series ! He always has something funny to say, I almost had a heart attack while watching episode 11 from season 1 when his mother, an erotic writer (what if she wrote 50 Shades of Grey ? Oh my God, they can’t even make her wear decent panties in the trailer to make you want to watch it !) That’s what I like about him : the way he’s awkward and sarcastic at the same time makes him perfect for this kind of situations !

7/ When I have a decision to make: Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana

Coucou. Je suis schizophrène.

Hi. I’m schizophrenic.

Another reference to Hannah Montana? It’s not my fault if I grew up with that (and Kim Possible, too, which is better !) I often have a hard time making decisions and I always try to make compromises, but Miley Stewart has taken it to the next level: her WHOLE LIFE is a compromise! How do you call it, again when you have multiple personalities ? Oh yeah, schizophrenia ! You don’t know if you want to buy a book or a magazine ? Buy both of them ! You don’t know if you want to buy a chocolate cake or  a strawberry pie ? Take them all, mix them together and make a smoothie ! That’s what I do when I have to make an important choice, when I become Miley/Hannah. But, it’s finally not that efficient because you can’t always make compromises…

8/ When I want to look like beauty standards: Betty Suarez (Ugly Betty)

On dirait que Betty a des pellicules...

Looks like Betty has dandruff…

“Why choose a girl considered as ‘ugly’ to look like beauty standards when the Hollywood industry is full of hot girls?” you must ask, young padawan. Well, because I just wanna break the rules! Waddup musical reference!  I’m one of those hippie-like people, I must admit it, who wants to live her life like nobody was watching (Waddup musical reference #2!) But let’s be real, I bet that, from the bottom of your heart, you do too, am I wrong ?

Waddup musical reference ?

Waddup musical reference ? =P

9/ When I want to be super powerful: Merlin (Merlin)

Merlin bbc

When we talk about power, we often think about characters with a great physical stregth like Thor or very influent and rich people like Christian Grey  CEOs that run big international companies. But I think Melin is way more powerful than he seems. Even if he’s the Prince (WARNING SPOILER: then King) Arthur, he’s one of the only druids of Camelot that hasn’t been caught (magic is forbidden in Camelot and if you use it, you get killed). When you’re a little discreet servant who has a near-monopoly on magic in a city without anyone knowing it, in my opinion you’re more powerful than any of the richest moguls of the planet ! I know I already have magical powers, but I’m a fairy: I’m flamboyant, while Merlin is more discreet !

In the end, all of those transformations are tiring and despite certain sides of me I want to improve, I wouldn’t be anyone else in the world because I’m unique like everybody else and I can only make this world better if I am completly myslef !

So, I hope you liked this article (despite the cheesy-ish ending, haha) and if you have characters you would be in any daily situation, feel free to tell me in the comment section below !

Looks like Pixie is blasting off again ! (Check out this Pokémon subtle reference!)

Pixie Stardust McQueen =)





Feminism, why not?

Hey , it’s Pixie Stardust, the boldest fairy of the Internet !


Today, we’re going to talk about a really important issue to me, feminism : yes, this word that immediatly makes you think about ugly women that don’t shave their armpits and scold like fishwives that had their little toe crushed by a whale! Feminism has never been more topical with Internation Women’s Day, March the 8th, threats against Emma Watson for her feminist commitments, lebanese journalist Rima Karaki’s grip that deserves respect and domestic violence against women banned in Algeria since March the 5th, feminist news are hot!

Lebanese journalist Rima Karaki answering to an islamist that disrespected her during an interview with him.

There’s a fine line between a sexy women who is aware of her sexuality wearing reveling clothes that show her body (or even naked as a jaybird, because I’m like a biiird, I only fly away, I don’t know where my soul is, hum. Well.) and a women that wear those same reveling clothes to please (consciously or not) to a society dominated by men to satisfy their sexual fantasies. I have a hard time telling the difference because I think it’s all about the intention of the woman and it’s too easy to judge her without slut-shaming her right away ! Despite this I’m still wondering if it’s relevant for celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé or Nicki Minaj considering themselves as ‘feminists’ or say they’re totally free with their sexuality and body while they show bodies considered as beautiful and valuable in showbiz…

Alors, féministe ou pas nicki

So, feminist or not ?

Consequently, we can realize that their clothes, but the way they move in them, as well is imitated by their fans (often quite young), but the fact that they don’t have their idols’ fame don’t protect them from being called names such as ‘hoe’, ‘bitch’ (pronounce it with a slight hood accent :)) or ‘easy’, while their idols are often apreciated for the same behaviour although those fans cope bullying sometimes.Kim Kardashian has become famous because of a sex-tape and is respected by millions of people while young girls like Amanda Todd commit suicide because of stolen, risqué photos exposed against their will that became the cause of a daily moral and physical harassement? I have nothing against Kim Kardashian and co. (I’ve laughed so hard watching an episode of ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ even if it’s not a huge accomplishement in my Internet fairy life!), but it’s not fair that some people are admired and other bullied for the same acts: wazzup double standard! Same thing with men that can sleep with a lot of women without being called a ‘slut’ (which has actually no equivalent for males, ‘slut’ meaning promiscuous GIRL…)

Slut shaming

However, comparison with men, even if it’s often justified in cases like equal salaries and rights can be dangerous sometimes because we’re not just copies of men, we are women! With this statement we can’t be considered as men with voluptuous bodies and tendencies to like face paint make-up ! So, it’s up to us to create or develop a new vision of power that would combine ‘masculine’ sides traditionally related to power (strengh, domination, ambition, assertiveness…) and ‘feminine’ sides (intelligence, creativity, being a good listener, patience, intuition…) in order to have the best of both worlds (you have the right to hate me if you have this epic Hannah Montana theme song in your head because of me!)


What the hell am I doing in article about feminism ?!

Moreover, the women issue is also a big deal for men because they’re reduced to their masculine essence too, that is to say their strengh that allows them to protect women and children, which can prevent them to show their sensitive side and their feelings without being seen as ‘faggots’ or ‘weak’, so they lose their connection with their emotions and are unhappy. We often mistake protecting and dominating : when you’re protecting someone, you take care of him/her without oppressing him/her, being respectful and dominating someone means violating psychic and/or physical boundaries to subjugate the person. The problem with most boys’ and then men’s socialization is that it’s based on the fear of being dominated by women and the humiliation and reject of their ‘feminine’ side (yin) to only embrace their ‘masculine’ side (yang) pushing them to reject themselves in a way rejecting not only women but also feminine with capital F, making them incomplete.

Iggy Pop feminism

Preach it, Iggy !

I hope you enjoyed this more serious-minded article and I fly away to infinty and beyoooond !!!


Pixie Stardust =)